Home Living Extension Update from Megan Burda: Enroll in 4-H!

Extension Update from Megan Burda: Enroll in 4-H!


Mastery, independence, belonging and generosity. These are the parts that make up the 4-H essential elements to create a positive environment for all youth in the 4-H program. The combination of these promote youth development and empower members to contribute positive impacts to their club, their community, their country and their world!

4-H club meetings have been a primary method of delivery for 4-H members and their families since the foundation of the program. Meetings are structured encounters that serve as an effective means for delivering positive youth learning opportunities. They help guide youth to reach their full potential, while being involved and engaged. Participation in numerous related 4-H events have shown to increase participation, rather than just a single event.

4-H Club meetings almost always have opportunities for club members to learn new things. They also create the perfect environment for active participation and a safe place for youth to meet new friends and share their ideas and opinions. Meetings are perfect avenues to put youth in charge, giving them leadership roles as officers and committee members which in turns provides the members a sense of ownership to their 4-H club. Adult leaders are there to help guide youth, while also providing a safe and caring adult figure who helps form the successful leaders of tomorrow.

Whether offering a face to face meeting or a virtual meeting they are all vital in building the club and the club’s membership. The biggest thing to remember is don’t just meet to meet, think about the purpose of the gathering. Meetings need to have an agenda to keep the group on task as well as a time limit so that families know what they are to expect when getting involved. Meetings should offer an opportunity for youth to all get involved. Try “Getting to know you” activities or group building tasks.

There are many other extra-curricular activities at schools, church and other organizations wherein families must prioritize their activities in which they participate. 4-H meetings must offer true, valuable experiences for members in order for 4-H to retain its position as vital and meaningful in the lives of young people.

Nebraska 4-H requires club membership to have a least 5 youth members from 3 different clubs, an adult leader who has passed the volunteer screening and must meet at least 6 times throughout the year. These meetings focus on 4-H programming, educational experience, community service and so much more!

For more information on how to join or start a 4-H club, go to york.unl.edu or stop in the York County Extension Office.


It’s Time to Enroll in 4-H!

Online 4-H enrollment for 2018 is now open for members and leaders at ne.4honline.com. All Clover Kids (ages 5-7) and 4-H’ers (ages 8-18) are eligible to enroll. There is a $5 enrollment fee that is due at time of enrollment. Enrollment instructions can be found at 4h.unl.edu/enroll.